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About the Strategic Growth Plan

What is the Strategic Growth Plan?

The Strategic Growth Plan is the overarching plan which sets out the aspirations for delivering growth (housing, economic, infrastructure) in Leicester and Leicestershire until 2050.

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Leicester and Leicestershire boasts a young, diverse, multicultural City; thriving market towns and popular villages set in an attractive landscape; three strong universities; and a central location with good connectivity. Also, there are genuine opportunities for economic growth in the area, including those in sectors such as design, manufacturing, distribution, export based businesses, innovation and technology, research and enterprise.

How best to realise these opportunities for growth while keeping Leicester and Leicestershire an attractive place to live and work for all, can only be done if we plan ahead and work together to achieve this. This is why the nine local authorities in Leicester and Leicestershire and the Leicester & Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP) have prepared this Plan.

Why have a Strategic Growth Plan?

As our economy and population grows, plans for employment and housing developments will continue to come forward – whether we like it or not. Having a joint Strategic Growth Plan helps us to realise the opportunities and manage the risks of growth.

The plan makes it possible to control – jointly, for Leicester and Leicestershire:

  • how expected population and economic growth will be accommodated and supported;
  • how existing problems can be resolved;
  • what type of development is needed and by when;
  • what is the most appropriate location for these developments;
  • which environmental assets should be protected and enhanced;
  • what investment in services and infrastructure is required where and by when.

Our ambition is two-fold; to overcome the problems that are experienced by existing communities and to accommodate growth in high quality developments – in the right place, at the right time and with the essential infrastructure that is needed.

The Strategic Growth Plan will:

  • Give confidence, to the market, Government, local businesses and residents, that the Councils and the LLEP are working together effectively on a shared ambition that is based on a solid understanding of the opportunities and risks.
  • Provide businesses and other organisations in Leicester and Leicestershire, with some direction and certainty, when they are planning for their own growth.

The partnership have also prepared a website accessibility statement 

 Who has prepared the Plan?

The nine local authorities in Leicester and Leicestershire and the LLEP have prepared the Plan.

The work is co-ordinated by our Joint Strategic Planning Manager (details below)

The preparation of the Plan has been overseen by a Members’ Advisory Group (MAG), which includes representatives from each of the local authorities, together with the LLEP whose representative attends as an observer. The MAG is supported by a Strategic Planning Group, which is made up of senior officers from the  local authorities. All ten (10) partners have a named contact, please find details listed:

Vicky Chapman, Blaby District Council
0116 272 7775

Katie Mills, Charnwood Borough Council
01509 634769

Tess Nelson, Harborough District Council
01858 821144

Kirstie Rea, Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council
01455 255857

Grant Butterworth, Leicester City Council
0116 454 0085

Sharon Wiggins, Leicestershire County Council
0116 305 8234

Phoebe Dawson, Business and Skills Partnership
0116 454 2917

Sarah Legge, Melton Borough Council
01664 502380

Ian Nelson, North West Leicestershire District Council
01530 454677

Adrian Thorpe, Oadby and Wigston Borough Council
0116 257 2645

Karen Beavin, Joint Strategic Planning Manager
07966 991950

We encourage local people, businesses, developers, landowners and statutory organisations to work with us.

Leicestershire City Council Logo Leicestershire County Council Logo North West Leicestershire District Council Logo Blaby District Council Logo Charnwood Logo District of Harborough Logo Hickey and Bosworth Borough Council Logo Melton Borough Council Logo Oadby and Wigston Borough Council Logo Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership Logo